Parcel Number - 225/0609-154-9502-2
Parcel SummaryMore
Municipality Name CITY OF FITCHBURG
Parcel Description
PRT LOT 2 CSM 9896 CS57/237&238-12/6/200...
Owner Name
Primary Address 5282 IRISH LN  
Billing Address
  • 5376 IRISH LN
  • FITCHBURG WI 53711-5518
Parcel DetailLess
Municipality Name CITY OF FITCHBURG
State Municipality Code 225
Township & Range Section Quarter/Quarter & Quarter
  • T06NR09E
  • 15
  • SE of the SE
Plat Name CSM 09896
Lot/Unit 2
Parcel Description
PRT LOT 2 CSM 9896 CS57/237&238-12/6/2000 DESCR AS SEC 15-6-9 SE1/4 EXC NLY 18 ACRES THF & ALSO EXC SW1/4 OF SD SE1/4 EXC DOCS 5823905 & 5823911
This property description is for tax purposes. It may be abbreviated. For the complete legal description please refer to the deed.
Current Owner
Primary Address 5282 IRISH LN
Billing Address
  • 5376 IRISH LN
  • FITCHBURG WI 53711-5518
Show Municipal Contact Information 
Assessment SummaryMore
Assessment Year 2024
Valuation Classification G4 
Assessment Acres 34.242
Land Value $14,300.00
Improved Value $0.00
Total Value $14,300.00
Assessment DetailLess
Assessment Year 2024 2023
Valuation Classification G4  G4 
Assessment Acres 34.242 34.242
Land Value $14,300.00 $10,300.00
Improved Value $0.00 $0.00
Total Value $14,300.00 $10,300.00
Average Assessment Ratio N/A N/A
Estimated Fair Market Value N/A N/A
Valuation Date 05/09/2024 05/26/2023
Zoning Information

For the most current and complete zoning information contact:
City of Fitchburg Planning/Zoning | 608-270-4200

District Information
Type State Code Description
Parcel Maps
Tax Information
Tax Year 2023
Assessed Land Value Assessed Improvement Value Total Assessed Value
$10,300.00 $0.00 $10,300.00
Lottery Credit(-):$0.00
First Dollar Credit(-):$0.00
2023 Tax Info Details Tax Payment History
Recorded Documents
Doc. Type Date Recorded Doc. Number Volume Page
TRD 02/21/2017 5307422
QCD 12/30/2011 4828254
PRD 08/14/2008 4460022
QCD 05/21/1993 2469668 22840 22
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